Surveillance Capitalism: The Need for Privacy, Social Justice, and Democratic Safeguards

By Vihaan Jani


Surveillance capitalism, a term introduced by Shoshana Zuboff, represents a new phase of capitalism driven by the extensive collection and monetization of personal data 3. This business model thrives by transforming human behaviour into data, which is then used to generate profit. While lucrative, it raises profound concerns regarding privacy, social justice, and democratic integrity. This article explores surveillance capitalism, its societal impact, and potential alternatives to mitigate its negative effects. 

Defining Surveillance Capitalism 

Surveillance capitalism is an economic system that relies on the collection and analysis of behavioural surplus—data exceeding what is necessary to deliver a specific service. A prime example is Google, whose parent company, Alphabet, generated 89% of its revenue in 2016 through targeted advertising 3. Google processes over 3.5 billion searches daily, demonstrating the vast scale of data extraction fuelling this model. This system is enabled by "instrumentarian power," which merges neoliberal ideology with radical behaviorist principles to create a predictive market 3. Moreover, law enforcement agencies in the United States have sought access to these capabilities, further highlighting the extensive influence of surveillance capitalism 3. 

Social Justice Concerns 

The mechanisms underpinning surveillance capitalism pose significant threats to social justice. According to Fraser’s theory of abnormal justice 1, separating individuals from their data constitutes economic injustice through maldistribution. This foundational injustice leads to further issues, including sociocultural misrecognition—where algorithmic processing results in biased categorizations—and political misrepresentation, as individuals lack control over how their data is used. These asymmetries undermine participation in social life and perpetuate inequalities. To counteract these harms, data should be redefined as a tool for equity rather than exploitation 1. 


Broader Impacts and Indirect Costs 

The surveillance capitalist business model relies on customized advertising and behaviour manipulation, fuelled by mass data collection and cross-platform tracking. The indirect costs include privacy erosion, corporate and state surveillance, and the weakening of democratic governance. Additionally, automated behaviour manipulation exacerbates consumerism, contributing to environmental degradation. If left unchecked, surveillance capitalism could severely undermine societal well-being 2. 

Proposed Alternatives 

To address the challenges posed by surveillance capitalism, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Key measures include: 

  1. Regulation – Implementing strong privacy laws, ensuring informed consent, and fostering data interoperability across competing platforms 2. 

  1. Technology Development – Encouraging open-source software, encryption, and peer-to-peer systems to decentralize data control 1. 

  1. Ownership Structures – Promoting cooperative and community-owned models to democratize IT services 2. 

  1. Citizen Engagement – Empowering individuals and civil society organizations to play active roles in shaping the digital economy 1. 

A holistic approach integrating regulation, technology, and community participation can serve as a viable alternative to surveillance capitalism’s dominance. 


Surveillance capitalism presents a critical challenge in the digital age, blending technological advancements with significant ethical and societal risks. While its profitability is indisputable, the consequences for privacy, justice, and democracy demand urgent intervention. Through regulatory innovation, citizen empowerment, and reimagined ownership models, society can foster a more equitable digital landscape—one that respects individual autonomy and prioritizes collective well-being. 


(1) Cinnamon, J. Social injustice in surveillance capitalism. Surveillance & Society [Internet]. 2017 Dec 5. [Cited 2025 Jan 30]; 15(5). Available from 

(2)  Stewart, M. S., Pier, E., Ralyea, D., & Rice, A. Problems with surveillance capitalism and possible alternatives for IT infrastructure. Learning, Media and Technology [Internet]. 2022 May 31. [Cited 2025 Jan 30]; 48(2): 324-336. Available from 

(3) Zuboff S. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. In: Longhofer W, Winchester D, eds. Social Theory Re-Wired. 3rd ed. Routledge; 2023: 11. 


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