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how to get involved
history of curieux - who are we?
Since 1972, Curieux has been a consolidation of phenomenal student works, often the student’s first ever publication. Formerly known as CCAESARIAN and Curio, Curieux became an online magazine in 2016 as a modern representative of the student body.
The history of Curieux is a proud one which was founded to provide a voice for students. Over the years Curieux has tackled a range of issues. Today, Curieux focuses on UC-related issues, including arts, politics and much more.
As the publishing industry dips evermore into the digital domain, Curieux too, is transitioning to a predominantly online platform. Not only does this grant students a more efficient and lasting platform for their works, but the transition also aligns with Curieux’s strong stance on sustainability.
Curieux has been publishing their print editions on recyclable paper since 2021; however, going predominantly digital will also reduce the magazine’s overall carbon footprint.
Submit content for our themed magazines. Click below to see our up and coming editions.
We publish content on any topic on our website year-round. Use the categories (Academic, Creative, Opinion, On Campus) as a starting point.
Interested in reviews, interviews or covering events? Look no further than our third-party opportunities. We connect you directly with the story.
Unsure of where to start? Join the Curieux Collective a group for creatives to meet in person every fortnight and collaborate.
contributor guidelines
Thinking about submitting your work to Curieux? Have a look at our Contributor Guidelines to learn more about the process and restrictions for our various platforms!