website submissions
Welcome to Curieux, the University of Canberra’s (UC) student magazine! At Curieux, we aim to publish work that represents the diversity of student interests and talents at UC. We therefore accept submissions in a range of mediums, covering a broad range of subjects. Although there is room for flexibility, below are general parameters for work submitted for our website.
General guidelines:
Articles / Creative Writing / Reviews – 3000 words max.
Poetry – 40 lines max.
Lists – 15 items max.
Visual Art / (Photos of) sculpture / Photography – 10 images per submission max.
Film – 20 minutes max.
Original Music – 10 minutes max.
PLEASE NOTE: We can accept assignments and material previously published to other platforms on a case-by-case basis, however, contributors must inform the Curieux team so any publication conflicts can be managed.
Looking for some inspiration? We are always looking for new ideas to drive future content! If you think one of these topics is right for you, send an email to:
The world looks very different to how it did 100 years ago, or maybe 200, 300 or even 1000 years ago. Create a piece of art to reflect this journey.
Black and white or in colour? How can we show a variety of current issues affecting the world today? Does the use of or lack of colour somehow enhance or reflect the issues explored?
If clocks stopped tomorrow and the concept of time disappeared, but life continued, how would it look?
Think of a building you know well. Now imagine what it would look like if nature took over. Create a piece of art to reflect this.
Multicultural festivals
Architecture representing and incorporating different cultures
Worldwide cuisines – in their original form, or as a modern fusion (and their recipes!)
Hidden tradition within urban and modern settings
Street art that blends different cultural motifs
Fashion designs that combine elements from different cultures
Illustrations of mythological characters
Culture shock
Combine patterns and into a cohesive piece.
A seemingly insignificant action…
Something has been changed in the past.
The finishing touches to a world-famous artwork.
It was like it happened in slow motion.
How to cast a spell.
Ever since that day, I can’t stand the taste of it.
Powerful people have plans for this world.
For a brief time, I sensed a deeper layer of reality.
If I hadn’t missed the train, I would have been there.
The secrets held by an ancient artifact.
Where he came from, there was only one way to settle disputes of this nature.
No one in the family could remember how the tradition started.
Their ways of living are unacceptable to the general population.
It all started with a DNA testing kit.
A mythical creature, lost to history.
Under cover of night, they attempted to make the dangerous border crossing.
It's the only bar on the planet where you can run into any conceivable type of person.
Many of the lies her people believed could be traced back to their origin stories.
What do you think Australian universities will be like in 10 or 20 years?
Fashion and design styles revive themselves over the decades. Why do we like to look back and why do trends re-emerge?
Is green consumerism a hoax?
What has been the most pivotal moment in your lifetime thus far?
What event irreversibly changed the course of history in your opinion?
Tell us about the place on Earth that is most evocative to you.
How has capitalism impacted the way we feel about our bodies?
What fictional character would you bring to life in the ‘real world’ and why?
Is it beneficial to have an idol?
Parking at UC has been a hot topic for years. Could you be the reporter to break the story?
Student Advocacy Officers; who are they and what can they do for you? This article will look into the disciplinary process at UC and the services offered to support students throughout.
Diversity at UC. With the launch of the SRC’s new diversity survey, we want to know how UC stacks up. Is there room for improvement?
Think of a current sustainability issue that you may have seen on the news, in an advertisement, or on social media. Write an article that spins this in a new creative direction. It could include a different viewpoint or a topic that you feel is underexplored. It’s a challenge to think outside the general news headlines.
There are many small steps that we can take to becoming more sustainable. However, when asked what we can do, we’re often left questioning our ideas. Research some small changes that everyone can make to their daily lives. Write an article informing readers on how to make those changes.
What seemingly insignificant current events will be revised as important in the future?
What do you see as the most defining event in your life so far? Tell us about the people, places, events or concepts that changed your life’s trajectory.
Write a review of a film that explores the concept of catalysts or pivotal moments.
9/11 is considered one of this century’s most defining events. What would our world be like if it had not occurred?
How would society look today without the internet? Was the internet’s development inevitable?
Historically, what were some pivotal events that were narrowly avoided?
How have the arts reckoned with pivotal events of the past?
What was the most important scientific discovery of the last century?
Tell us about a time when a small act of kindness caused bigger, positive change.
How should colonised countries go about reconciling injustices to Indigenous peoples?
What do you think of the Australian government’s proposed caps on international students? How will it effect UC?
Investigate the role of psychedelics and psycho-active drugs in different cultures.
What are some current and historical cross-cultural influences in art? Japonisme is a prime example.
Write an article about the Japanese term ‘Karoushi / 過労死 ‘
For students of mixed heritage: how does your varied background impact your identity?
For students who went on study tours: what was interesting or surprising?
What are your thoughts on over-tourism? What are the effects on people impacted by tourists?
Write an opinion piece about different education systems across the globe.
Investigate the differing approaches to the concept of 'time' across the world.
How much of your gender identity is determined by your culture?
Is it acceptable to wear the traditional dress of a culture you don’t come from, or is it cultural appropriation? Discuss the ‘My culture is not your prom dress’ controversy.
What is the role of geography in determining cultural practices?
Report on the University of Canberra's 'Cross Culture' events during week 5!
What are your reflections on cross-generational culture? Why do older generations continuously criticise younger generations?
A message to future generations.
Leaving our stamp on the world.
Voices crackling through telephones or online social medias.
Immersing yourself in nature.
Short Fiction Topics
Running water.
Broken glass.
Three birds balancing on a wire.
What would society be like if sleep was unnecessary?
A problem to one person is a solution to another.
Start and end a short story with the same happy, upbeat sentence. Through the course of the narrative, craft the piece so the last sentence has a very different tone to the first.
When a heart breaks, so too does a piece of our world. Fissures, valleys, and cracks in the pavement form. If this is so, tell us the origin story of the Grand Canyon.
Like one of our topics but want to explore it in a different form? Go ahead and email us at: to share your ideas with us.