SRC Newsletter – January & February 2023 Edition


Dear UC Students,

We are thrilled to bring you the first bi-monthly newsletter from the Student Representative Council (SRC). Our goal is to keep you updated on the latest news and developments from the SRC.

SRC Achievements

As we prepare for a new academic year, the SRC is committed to making it successful and impactful. Our team is dedicated to working with the university student body to address the needs and concerns of UC students. We are currently outlining our goals for the year and planning events such as Market Day and International Women’s Day. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay in the loop.

The SRC has recently reviewed the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure document. If you’re interested in getting involved in University policy reviews or other SRC initiatives, please email to join our Expression of Interest registry.

Current Student Representatives

We are pleased to announce the following individuals who were elected to represent the different positions:
University Council – Postgraduate: Paul Dykes

University Council – Undergraduate: Jacob Webb

Academic Board – Postgraduate: Currently vacant

Academic Board – Undergraduate: Rylee Schuhmacher

Faculty of Arts and Design: Jannis Heinzmann

Faculty of Business, Government and Law: Madhuli Kango

Faculty of Education: Currently vacant

Faculty of Health: Mushtaha Ahmed

Faculty of Science and Technology: Fatema Afroz

Ngunnawal Centre: Currently vacant

Higher Degree Research: Alanah Pike

International Students: Meenakshi Iyer

All SRC council members also hold one or more portfolio positions:

The Executive Officers are:

President: Jacob Webb

Vice-President: Jannis Heinzmann

Treasurer: Alanah Pike

Secretary: Rylee Schuhmacher

And the General Officers are:

Advocacy Coordinator: Jacob Webb (serving in an interim role)

Diversity Officer: Jacob Webb

Events Officer x2: Fatema Afroz, Alanah Pike

Media Officer: Jannis Heinzmann

Sports Officer x2: Paul Dykes (currently only one serving in this position)

SSAF Officer x2: Alanah Pike, Rylee Schuhmacher

Student Appeals Committee Officer x2: Madhuli Kango, Meenakshi Iyer

Student Conduct Committee Officer x1: Rylee Schuhmacher

Women’s Officer: Mushtaha Ahmed


As you may have noticed, several SRC positions are currently vacant. The SRC is calling for nominations from the student community to fill these roles. This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable experience in leadership and collaboration.

In addition to SRC positions, the University is also seeking to fill non-SRC Student Representative roles on Faculty Boards, Academic Board sub- Committees, Calectives and working groups. If you’re interested in getting involved or would like more information, please email

Stay Connected

In the upcoming semester, the UCSRC will be hosting a town hall meeting where students can submit their questions beforehand and receive comprehensive answers. To stay updated on this event and other SRC news, please follow our social media accounts.

We encourage all UC students to stay connected with the SRC by keeping up with new issues of Curieux and following us on social media. Together, we can build a positive and inclusive community at UC.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your respective representative ( or the SRC ( The SRC is here to serve and represent the student community at UC.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,



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